Thursday, November 6, 2008

WEC 36 stuff

Well, my DVR ended when the show ended, which was apparently half an hour before the fights actually ended. Thank you Versus. As a result I didn't see the Faber-Brown fight til this morning, though I'd looked up the results. My cable internet is slow as a Palin child, so I just went to bed. Wow, Faber got caught! That silly spinning elbow cost him dearly, though it seemed more coincidence than anything. Unfortunately for Urijah: It's not a lucky punch if you throw it. We've seen Faber take some punishment too, so it's wild to see him get dropped.
There were some good undercard fights, Rosholt vs Osterneck was a blast, even though Rosholt's lack of standup makes me think Dan Severn was watching from 1999 going "Fuck yeah!"

1 comment:

garth2 said...

what? cock? where?

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