He also loves hard candy and his grandkids
I sympathize with Luke Thomas' disgust towards the Ultimate Fighter's current season, I really do. I have been fast-forwarding through the latest season on DVR, and didn't catch any of the garbage last night other than the lame-ass fight. He comes off as a huffy old woman in that post though. Next thing you know he'll be damned positive those TUF boys were on his lawn, messing up his begonias. Simple expedient, and most effective: don't watch. To be fair, that's what he's claiming he's doing from now on, but no need to wag a bony, liver-spotted finger on your way out. Either ratings drop because the shit they're putting on doesn't sell, they rise because in addition to pure-as-the-driven-snow "hardcore" fans morons watch the show as well, or they (most likely) stay the fuckin' same, as some jackass gawkers come aboard to offset the purists who can't stand the stupidity anymore.
Picture stolen from Colin S. without his permission. I'll take it down if you want me to. Note: it's credited!
hahah you dick. you can randomly post where you wish tho, who's going to say anything?
okay mr. creepy
That's slander!!
what, that you miss my angry rants?
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