Sunday, April 12, 2009

Uh, no.

Rodriguez at fightlinker thinks this win signals the ascension of Nick Diaz. He also claims that Diaz eats, drinks, and breathes MMA.
No, you're dead wrong. First off, if that was true he wouldn't put his career in jeopardy by smoking weed and talking about it at every opportunity. I don't know how anyone can take this guy seriously if he may be dragged off cards at literally any moment. The fact that he didn't get pulled from this card after his idiotic bullshit talk amazes and distresses me.
Additionally, there's a claim that he only has the one loss in the last few years, and that its somehow a bullshit loss. Both wrong. He lost because he got the shit kicked out of him by a semi-MMA-fighter named Karl James. He also has a no contest because he likes weed more than MMA. And the fight against Aina? Are you seriously going to say that was some triumphant march?
I've defended Rodriguez AKA Godzillad tons in the past. But this cock-slobbering on Diaz is too much. He beat the shit out of Frank Shamrock, sure. Good on him, and nice work on not being a total cock after the fight. But you don't get cookies for not being a total cock after the fight. And yes, he still gets the pitty-pat moniker. Is Diaz a good fighter? Yes! Is he the best fighter? Nope! The best fighter would put down the fucking pipe. Unless that's answered, then everything afterwards is tainted, because he's cheating. Ostrich drumstick, baby.

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