Thursday, January 17, 2008

fucking sherdog

Good god...for pure info, is hard to beat, with it's mighty database and constant interview-scrounging. But holy fucking shit, do they have to write so fucking execrably? I feel like I have to pick through a god damned dumpster behind the chinese place to get useful info out their prediction articles, they're so choked with stupid "jokes". What's next, something about Britney Spears? Opening fucking paragraph:

The latest overseas offering from the UFC features what any mixed martial arts fan can only hope to be the first step toward returning sanity to the lightweight division as well as a rematch between two of Brazil's finest and also more Europeans than a Jane Austen movie adaptation (insert audible groan here).

Dude...if you have to call yourself out for a shitty joke, just don't put it in. Don't try to shove four or five references into a couple paragraphs. Dennis Miller does that, and he has never, ever been funny.
The suckiest part is that the analysis is good, so I have to sort through these dirty diapers to get the shiny diamonds. Feh. Damn you internet. You ruined my favorite language.

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