Previously known only for me not watching NHL playoff games on it, the VERSUS channel is going to have my eyeballs starting on June 3, since they'll be showing WEC events live, on cable! I'm only 20 days late with this news! Hooray!
June 3 8-9 p.m. WEC One-Hour Event Special 9-11 p.m. WEC LIVE Event
June 6 9-10 p.m. WEC One-Hour Event Special
June 13 9-10 p.m. WEC One-Hour Event Special
August 5 8-9 p.m. WEC One-Hour Event Special 9-11 p.m. WEC LIVE Event
August 8 9-10 p.m. WEC One-Hour Event Special
August 15 9-10 p.m. WEC One-Hour Event Special
September 5 9-11 p.m. WEC LIVE Event
Good on VERSUS! WEC has some exciting fighters, like "Mayhem" Miller, "Diesel" "Look out for that knee" Riggs and "Razor" Rob McCullough. I for one look forward to having even more MMA options on cable, even if it's still comin' from Zuffa. Don't forget IFL, although I am still having trouble keeping track of everything in that league. They don't do such a great job of tying the teams to the cities, to get that local fan base going that makes a "team" a team.